
你的直觉告诉你什么off in your life? Are you feeling the weight of the world but don’t know how to shake it off?

Listen to your intuition.



Studies show采用更可持续的生活可以带来更快乐,更健康的生活。可持续性不仅仅是保护地球;它鼓励改变有所作为的生活方式变化。

Start now with this quick guide to living a more sustainable life!

1。Go On a Decluttering Spree

Switching to a sustainable life requires a series of changes, but you need to take that first step. Kick-start your new life with an inspiring decluttering spree!

A sustainable life is a minimalist life. The goal is to consume less and conserve more. Decluttering is the first phase.


First, clean as your home as normally would. Toss out garbage, junk mail, broken items, and other unwanted items along the way.


Start getting rid of unwanted items, instead of just hiding them.

3.。Get Rid of Clothes You Don’t Need



You could even repurpose your clothes into new outfits!



The desire for useless knick-knacks is real. Plus, they hold sentimental value. But it may be time to cut back.

减少家中装饰艺术和knick-knacks的数量。挂在墙上的一些选择艺术品 - 将表格限制在几个项目中。

5. Get a Storage Unit For Your Sustainable Life

打包更多大量的物品,如沙发,传家宝家具和书架,并将它们放在存储单元中。存储您可能想要使用的任何东西 - 或稍后换掉。

Learn creative storage techniques tomaximize spacein your storage unit. This way, you won’t have to upgrade to a larger space.


Are you感觉断开连接从生活中?与母亲的自然重新连接!这种变化是引领可持续生活的核心。

Fresh airis proven to improve physical health, mood, and even career productivity. Start enjoying the benefits of fresh air by opening your windows and including plants in your home.

Give your backyard a makeover so that you can enjoy it again. Start going on nature walks with friends and family. Every baby step helps.



Take advantage of natural sources as much as you can. Let natural sunlight flood in on sunny days. This tip will keep your home warm on summer nights.

Use heavy thermal curtains during winter to trap in heat on those rare sunny days. Install a programmable HVAC system that lets you control your heat and cooling.


Happiness starts with sustainability. Follow these tips to begin downsizing and conserving what matters.

Adopting a sustainable life is just one way to do your part. Continue on your sustainable journey with the latest tips and trends for green living!