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While it may seem cliche, Dorothy had it right at the end of the Wizard of Oz when she said: “if I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard.”


While some people may think about getting into astronomy and feel overwhelmed by all of the technical gadgets and the cost of a good telescope. But you don’t need to shovel a ton of money or time into becoming an astronomer. It’s much easier than that.

If you’re interested in getting started with sky gazing, keep reading. We’ll give you our top tips for astronomy for beginners!



If you live in a city, this might mean that you get to the top of the tallest building you can find, or finding a particularly elevated hill. Your goal here should be to be able to see as much of the sky as you possibly can.




Red light won’t do the same things to your eyes as blue or white light does. So, you should either invest in a red flashlight or simply make your own by using red cellophane paper and the light on the back of your cell phone!




The truth is, telescopes are hard to use. There’s nothing quite as frustrating as trying to use one and being unable to figure out what you’re looking at. Nothing causes beginner astronomers to give up quite like that.

Instead of a telescope, just head outside with some binoculars and start to star gaze. It’s a good idea to learn the layout of the night sky before you try to use a telescope. Figure out where the main constellations are and get acquainted with them.

Another great low-tech tool to keep on hand is a star chart. They’re handy devices that can show you what stars and planets you’ll be able to see in the sky where you are.


The Time is Right

The best time to get out there and look at the sky is when the weather is crisp on a clear, winter night. Things like humidity and haze will change the way we see the sky, so summer isn’t the best time to get out there.

你还应该看看不同的phases of the moon。When the moon is in its crescent or gibbous phase, or when it’s missing altogether, are good times as well. When there’s more of the moon to see, the light is often too bright to see much else.

While we’re talking about the moon, don’t forget to look up at her either. During these times when the moon is waxing and waning, you’ll be able to see the incredible texture.

Find Some Helpful Apps

While many people who want to reconnect with nature through stargazing like to decry more advanced technology, there are some cool apps out there that can help you make the most of your night time hobby.

Apps like Stellarium where you can see the positions of the planets, like a star chart in your pocket. There’s also Starwalk, Google Sky Map, and Exoplanet are also great tools to keep in your pocket if you want to expand your knowledge.


The first thing you want to do is take the time to learn the difference between a star and a planet. A good rule of thumb to remember is that if it sparkles, it’s a star. If it doesn’t, it’s a planet.


Look for Star Patterns

Another thing to look for is the different star planets out there. You might not think that there are a ton of stories you can find in the sky, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The sky we’re looking at now is the same sky our ancestors looked at years ago. These are the same stars that they used to help them create stories from constellations.


Disconnect for a While

Another great thing to do if you want to get away from your backyard astronomy roots is to find a place to go for a while.National parks and forests也是一个凝视着一些天空凝视的好地方。

You want to get as far away from city lights as you can. Street lights are also terrible for your eyes adjustment ability.


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Astronomy for Beginners



And if you want to keep the earth clean and free of pollution so your night sky stays bright,在这里阅读更多!!