go green

When we think of going green, we typically imagine ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Or, we think of buildings that used eco-friendly materials in their construction.

The connection between sustainability and the fashion industry isn’t as obvious.

That’s changing fast, though. More brands are making the effort to run an environmentally-friendly business.

These efforts are important, and there’s always room for more companies to jump on board.

Below we’re providinga few tipsfor how the fashion industry can go green. Doing so can be good for business and for the environment.

Get Creative And Go Green With Sustainable Materials

Fashion is about creativity and inspiration.

Those are perfect starting points for any company that’s looking to go green. Using recycled and renewable materials is a way to create a look that no one has ever done before.

In the past few years, well-known labels like Calvin Klein and Adidas have entered into partnerships with organizations that focus on sustainability.

Those collaborations resulted in a dress made entirely from yarn woven from plastic bottles and shoes made from ocean waste.

Committing to sustainability is a way for brands to challenge themselves. The fashion created as a result is more innovative, and shoppers respond to that.

Make Quality Garments That Last

Fast fashion retailers may be affordable, but the difference in price is hardly worth the lack of quality.

Using higher quality, eco-friendly fabrics is a way for luxury brands to provide value to both the customer and the environment. Hemp, bamboo, and organic cotton are all good examples.

Garments made from these materials are more durable and will last longer. This, in turn, will lead to less waste from consumers buying cheap clothing that falls apart and gets quickly thrown out.

The good news is, there is a big demand for these higher quality items. Parents especially are becoming more conscious of what they buy for their kids to wear.

A site likeNickis fashion for childrenis constructed from the best materials. Parents know that what they are purchasing is high-quality and that’s what keeps them returning to the site.

Go Green To Generate More Brand Awareness

Millennials are currently the most influential generation when it comes to our shopping habits.

They impact where we shop and what we buy and which brands are popular. They’re the most active on social media, and the most likely to promote something that they genuinely love.

They also keep their morals in mind when they shop.

A 2015 poll of more than 30,000 respondents found that66%的人愿意花更多的钱for something if it was made sustainably.

Implementing and promoting green practices can attract more millennial customers. It is a great way to make your brand known, particularly amongst the consumers who matter most.

Ready To Go Green?

Every day, more fashion brands are making the decision to go green. They are incorporating sustainability into their business practices.

It’s a way for companies to attract shoppers, to push boundaries, and to help the environment at the same time.

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