From 2010 to 2020,建造了700万房屋在美国。


并建造这么多新家,工作区,购物中心等,建筑公司需要供应。但是有一个问题 - 世界匍匐了closer and closer to an environmental crisis。这就是为什么你想确保你的项目与环保一样有利可图。

因此,您希望将切换到Eco友好的建筑材料。我们已覆盖 - 这七种选项将帮助您构建结构和环境完整性。


竹子使木材完美的替代品。它的射击可以精制看起来像木板。然而,这是草家庭的一部分,所以它比传统的硬木更快地增长 - 一些植物可以长出往上的植物一天三英尺

所以,在你的建筑项目中换竹子的木头。它可用于构建墙壁,以及硬木风格的地板,看起来像清洁和经典。您还可以使用竹凉席,家具和屏幕装饰您的空间 - 当绘竹子时,可能性似乎是无穷无尽的。


不要担心 - 再次使用时,再生钢不会失去任何强度。相反,它为您提供了您需要的所有刚性和支持,同时从垃圾填埋场撤销可用资源。例如,建造2,000平方英尺的家,需要你找到相同数量的钢in six junkyard cars



也许你正在抓你的头 - 我如何在环保建筑项目中使用羊毛?





To pre-cast concrete, manufacturers pour it over steel or rebar wires, then ship the hardened panels to construction sites. This quality is a boon to builders. No longer do you have to wait for the weather to cooperate — your concrete will arrive cured and hardened, and you can build with it right away.



建造一个环保建筑,您必须考虑不仅仅是结构,墙壁和地板。该结构的其他功能可以贡献 - 或带走 - 其能效。

Windows are a prime example of this. A bad set of windows can let warm air out in the winter. And, in summer, unglazed windows can let the sun beat in, thus making your home or office hotter — and necessitating the use of more air-conditioning.

You can help your building regulate its temperature with so-called Low-E windows. The E stands for emissivity, meaning the windows can keep heat inside during winter and block it from entering in summer.



Similarly, the right roof can help maintain a building’s temperature, too.

想一想:你不会在炎热的一天穿黑暗的成套装备 - 你知道它会吸引并吸收更多的热量,在炽热的阳光下穿黑。通过安装凉爽的屋顶,为您的环保业务做同样的请操作。

Cool roofing reflects sunlight, rather than soaking it up and heating the building. But technological advancements in the roofing realm mean that it doesn’t have to be a light color to keep cool. So, you can maintain the aesthetics of your building’s exterior with a dark-colored, heat-deflecting roof.



美国 - 以及大量世界的秘密 - 有一个塑料问题。2017年,3540万吨塑料在美国生产。


Composite lumber also wards off rot and mold more effectively than traditional wood planks. It’s a bit more pliable in the heat and stiff in the cold than all-plastic options. However, it is costlier than treated lumber, so check your budget before building with plastic-composite planks.


These are only seven of the many eco-friendly building materials out there. Which ones will you try on your next project or in your home? Whatever you choose, you’ll be making a choice that’s better in the long run — and that will feel good as the structure’s builder or its buyer.

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