
最近的研究表明,选择一个绿色的家enovation process can increase your rate of return byclose to 20%.

此外,GOOT GREEN有时可以拯救您每年超过1,000美元关于家庭运营成本,如电力和水账单.

Not only that — green homes are an incredibly popular market trend,especially among millennials.

If you’re thinking of renovating your house, hiring green contractors benefits a lot more than just the environment. It also helps your wallet to pack a serious punch.

Read on to learn more about what you need to look for in your search for reliable, experienced green contractors.

1. Ensure They’re Licensed

检查许可证并要求查看公司安全管理计划is a crucial part of any home renovation, it’s especially important when it comes to working with green contractors.

Often, green renovations require more complicated work than standard ones. This means that finding a contractor with the experience to get the job done right the first time is essential.

A proper license is the first indicator of that experience.



You’ve likely read studies exposing food companies claiming to be “organic” that是什么。但是.

Unfortunately, the same thing holds true for shoddy green contractors. There are people out there that will claim to use “green” and “eco-friendly” techniques and designs — without ever having any intention of actually doing so.

However, don’t let a few bad apples spoil the bunch.


Ensure that your contractor has certification from the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) system. This means that your potential contractor has all the education they need to actually build a green home from the ground up — or renovate an existing home to make it more eco-friendly.


If they can’t give you a straight answer, or don’t even know what you’re talking about, it’s time to cut and run.

Another way to ensure your contractor can get the job done right?

By contacting their past customers directly. Ask for both direct referrals as well as portfolios/samples of their past work. If a contractor is unwilling to give you both or either of those things, it’s time to move on — you’ve dodged a bullet.

3. Insist on A Master Builder

The majority of green contractors today will also be certified as “Master Builders” by the Energy and Environmental Building Alliance (“EEBA” for short.)

Not only does this designation mean that your contractor will be up-to-date on all the latest technology and development in the world of green construction and design.

It also means that they’ll be able to balance your aesthetic wishes with your green goals. In other words, they’ll give you a house that’s both eco-friendly and fits in with your design concept.


Green renovations are meant to make your home more pleasant and提高您的生活质量。

However, a poor remodeling job can have the opposite effect. Not to mention, it can also be an incredible waste of resources.



There’s no getting around the fact that, no matter how much effort your contractor puts into your remodeling process, sometimes, a waste of materials can accidentally happen.

然而,您需要专注的内容有些具体计划减少他们将使用的材料数量来完成您的项目。更少的材料意味着更少的垃圾 - 当然,对您来说更加金融储蓄。


How your contractor plans to make the most out of anything that’s left over once your project is complete. Make sure you talk to your contractor about what they plan to do with excess supplies.


Of course, these stores can’t accept everything that you’ll have leftover. So, it’s important to ask your green contractor about how they plan to recycle any leftover materials that can’t be donated.


As a homeowner, you have a right to be kept up-to-date about the progress of your renovation project.



Hire Green Contractors For Your Next Remodeling Job

Thanks to these tips, you can confidently begin the search for the perfect green contractor to create or update the sustainable home of your dreams.


Of course, your home isn’t the only place where you should go green.

Check out our blog for tips on how to lower the environmental impact of your office. We also offer advice on a variety of eco-friendly topics, including achieving environmental wellness and tips on how to handle apest invasion the green way.
