

1. Recycle

One of the easiest eco-friendly house ideas you can do is to recycle. You canstart recyclingin your home by taking the time to sort your items into different recyclable categories and drop them off at your local recycling center. You can even have curbside pickup for added convenience.


A simple way to create an environment-friendly house is to swap out your incandescent light bulbs for energy-efficient LEDs. Not only will you be making a positive impact, but you’ll also benefit from the long-life of LEDs and a lower electricity bill from the reduced use.


Upgrading your window treatments is a great way to create an eco-friendly house. There are many eco-friendly window treatments that help to insulate your home, thus reducing your use of energy.

升级您的窗口处理很棒,因为您节省更大的变化,如将太阳能电池板添加到您的房屋,但是,去的太阳能不一定是融资的梦想Hayes Barnard..

4. Purchase a Plant (Or Two!)



All environmentally friendly houses are properly weatherized to reduce your heating and cooling use. Check your windows and doors for any cracks and make sure your house is sealed properly. Not only will you be saving energy, but this is another change that will result in a lower electricity bill.

6. Wash Full Loads


7. Unplug


Creating an Eco-Friendly Home: The Bottom Line

