
By Bruce A. Perreault


如果你看过那些古老的时钟表盘发光the dark or the glow in the dark stuff made for gun sites or even the exit signs on commercial airplanes, you can begin to understand how radiant energy can be converted to electrical current. It is a simple matter of converting radioactive decay (radiant energy) into electrical energy instead of light as is seen being done by the glow in the dark paints. The old radium clock dials used a radium salt as their source of radioactive matter and a zinc sulfide phosphor compound. The radioactive particles emitted from the decay of a radium salt, such as radium chloride, react with zinc sulfide resulting in the production of visible light energy. Today, a tritium salt replaces the radium salt that was used in early glow in the dark compounds. This is because radium is no longer commercially produced. More efficient, light generating phosphor compounds are now used in glow in the dark paints.



