
世界各地的消费者正在努力减少碳足迹。在全球范围内,66%的购物者are happy to spend more for eco-friendly products. If you’re looking for ways to go greener, the best place to start is with an eco-friendly home.

It’s easy to overlook the effects of a wasteful lifestyle at home. But with some energy efficient appliances and water conservation techniques, you’ll notice a stark difference on your next utility bill. An eco-friendly lifestyle is not only good for the environment, but also for your wallet.

You don’t need bulky renovations or expensive solar panels to have an eco-friendly house. Here are ten easy ways to be ecofriendly at home.

1. Disconnect Devices

Did you know that your devices are still draining electricity, even when they’re switched off? It’s a concept known as standby power — or “vampire” power if you want to put a fun spin on it. Televisions, printers, and other consumer electronics are fond of guzzling energy.

Throughout their lifespan, these devices will consume more energy while idling than they will during actual use. It’s something that costs Americans more than每年3亿美元.

Stop losing money to standby power and unplug all your devices when not in use. It’s an easy step to help your wallet and the environment.


It’s a common mantra for environmental activists. Recycling may seem old-school, but it’s still one of the most important tools in the ecofriendly arsenal. Recycling saves energy and reduces your carbon footprint.

Learn about recycling programs in your neighborhood and understandwhat you can recycle— and what you can’t. There’s more to recycling than sorting plastics.

Don’t forget to purchase recycled items as well. Theseeco-friendly productscan make your home even greener.



Avoid trips to the supermarket and harmful pesticides by growing food in your garden. Or instead, plant vibrant flowers and provide a food source for bees and hummingbirds.

4. Conserve Water


减少水使用的影响,并投资低流量设备,如厕所和淋浴头。厕所和淋浴帐户近一半of your home’s water use. These changes alone can make a significant impact and lead to a more eco-friendly house.

5. Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Let’s be real: To be as environmentally friendly as possible, you’d have to toss every electronic device you owned. But you don’t have to give up on modern amenities to live an ecofriendly lifestyle. Instead, you can rely on energy efficient appliances.

这些电器的能量较少而不是正常的对应物。在美国,节能器具是能源之星认证。和能源之星appliances, you’ll save in monthly energy costs and enjoy some minor tax credits.

For example, do you use an air purifier in your home? Energy efficient air purifiers are available.Yosaki的HEPA空气净化器列表包括市场上最有效的空气净化器。

6. Compost

你听说过堆肥,但是你知道我t is? Rather than trashing organic material, you can use it to enrich your garden soil. You’ll throw away less garbage and keep these items out of the landfill.

Since you need yard debris, such as leaves and twigs, it’s the perfect complement for any green thumb. Mix these garden leftovers with organic waste, like fruits, vegetables, and ground coffee. With a bit of water, these items will break down into rich and healthy compost.

7. Hang Your Clothes Out to Dry

Your dryer is one of the most energy-hungry appliances in your home. After putting your clothes through the wash, take some extra time to hang them on a line outside.



Eco-friendly homes are well-insulated. Why? Because they save energy by being less reliant on heating and cooling systems. If every room seems to be a different temperature, that’s a good sign that your house would benefit from insulation.

一个能源审计可以帮助您确定问题。During an energy audit, a professional will scour your home and look for poor insulation in your attic, doors, and windows. With their help, you’ll know where to improve the insulation in your home.


Synthetic cleaning products aren’t just bad for your health, but also the environment. When you need to scrub down the shower tiles or mop the floors, consider some natural solutions.


10. Manage Your Kitchen


Since meat is an extremely insufficient food source, consider cutting down on meat with some tasty and healthy vegetarian alternatives.

Go Green, Save Green

Saving money is one of the best parts of living an ecofriendly lifestyle. If you make even some of these changes at home, you’ll be enjoying smaller bills and a smaller carbon footprint. Couple these green tips with the use of a bicycle or public transportation and the environment will thank you.

There are so many ways to make small, insignificant changes that end up being better for you and the environment. Take a look at oureco-friendly homessection and find more ways to live healthier and happier.