energy efficient

In 2015, energy expenditures across the board sat at the lowest numbers we’d seen in a decade including a20 percent decreasefrom 2014 alone.

We’re already doing the work to cut energy costs at home and in other areas, but you can always do more.

Creating an energy efficient home should be a top priority for all homeowners because it not only saves you money on bills each month, but it keeps energy use low across the board, which is better for our planet.

Home energy efficiency doesn’t need to be complicated. It can mean much-needed overhauls or even simple habit changes.


1. Stagger Your Thermostat

Out of all your energy uses, your HVAC system eats up the bulk of your energy costs.

The typical homeowner spends48 percentof their energy on heating and cooling it.

Now, if you’re like most people, you leave your house for a good portion of the day. Your home doesn’t need to be balmy if you won’t be back for eight hours. You waste the amount of energy spent on regulating the temperature in your house because you aren’t around to notice it.

Set up your timer to lower your thermostat by ten to fifteen degrees between 9 and 5, which are also the warmest parts of the day to savefive to fifteen percentoff your energy bills each year.

Even dropping the thermostat by three to five degrees lowers your energy usage – and your monthly bills.


We waste more energy in the bathroom and kitchen than almost anywhere else. Why? Not necessarily because of how much water we use but because of the amount of hot water used.

Ninety-percent of your energy costs isn’t from running your tap but from the power required to heat up the water before you use it.


Choose a low-flow fixture to help regulate your showers or home dishes. The federal government sets standards on these appliances that means they cannot let more than 2.5 gallons per minute flow from the tap.

An investment of $10 to $20 could save you25 to 60 percenton your next water bill.

3. Upgrade Your Insulation

Was your insulation checked for the last time when your home was built? If so, you may benefit from adding or replacing insulation in your home.

墙之间的东西抵抗了transfer of heatfrom the outside in and vice versa. A well-insulated home keeps your house more comfortable during extreme temperatures.

When hot air fights its way out of your house or fights its way in, your HVAC system works harder to maintain the thermostat temperature.

绝缘更新不需要昂贵。可以在不敲掉干墙的情况下为现有墙壁添加绝缘材料。绝缘空的阁楼也比你的房子更低,并且可以节省你$600 a year在加热和冷却成本中。

4. Stop Using Space Heaters

Space heaters are an energy efficient home’s worst enemy. Not only are they dangerouswhen left unattended,但他们吃p an excessive amount of energy to heat only a small area.

在拔出空间加热器之前,请查看您的其他选项。穿the right kind of clothesindoors prevents heat loss from your skin. For example, thermal underwear keeps your warmer for longer than a space header does. You can even turn your thermostat down because the right clothes make your body more energy efficiently.

Household maintenance also helps keep warm air inside where it belongs. Blocking drafts reduces both heat loss and air movement, and both help create a warmer environment.



When was the last time your HVAC system benefitted from a tune-up?

Regular maintenance prevents little problems from becoming more significant issues that run up your energy usage.

Most HVAC service and repair companies offer a yearly maintenance plan that includes a maintenance visit or even some minor repair costs. Stop energy loss before it starts, and save yourself money by adding years to the life of your heating and cooling system.


Buying a new appliance? Make it anEnergy Star-certified appliance.

Energy Star appliances meet government standards for making the most of energy use while also doing their jobs. You’ll get quality, performance, and energy savings all in one package.

Learnmore aboutwhat Energy Start certification means and start your search for your next appliance by

7. Air Dry Your Clothes

Do you rely on a tumble dryer toget your laundry done? Considerline or rack-drying你的衣服。

According to the EPA, clothes dryers suck up比任何其他设备更多的能量. Fluffy towels come with the costs ofcarbon pollution– and there’s another way.

Save your tumble dryer only for clothes that you need to dry ASAP. If you want the fluff that comes with tumble dryers, give them a quick five-minute boost after they’re dry.

Make Your Home More Energy Efficient Without Trying

An energy efficient home doesn’t mean rebuilding from the ground up. Everything from simple habits to the right appliances helps you use energy only when you need it without sacrificing comfort.

Ready for more ways to become energy efficient?Click herefor more eco-friendly tips for your home.