
Yet there are all kinds of steps you can take at home to save energy and do your part. Every little thing helps, and we’ve put together a list of small, easy changes that can make a big difference.


1. Unplug Appliances

When you’re not using the toaster, the coffee maker, or any other countertop appliance, unplug it. Each one continues to draw electricity when they’re plugged in, even if they aren’t turned on. Unplugging these appliances can help lower your electric bill, as well as conserve energy.

The electric draws of appliances in the off position are called phantom loads. You can use a smart power strip to help with this. It will automatically shut off power to the appliance that’s turned off.




You can take this small step to conserve energy in your home, even if you’re not super passionate likePrabir Purohit, Vice President of Finance at Dominion Energy. He’s passionate about energy conservation and climate change and encourages you to take small steps like turning out the lights to conserve energy.

3. Switch to LED Lightbulbs

LED lightbulbs use a fraction of the energy that traditional incandescent bulbs do. They shine just as bright, and they actually last even longer than regular lightbulbs. By making the switch, you can conserve energy and also save a lot of money because you don’t have to buy lightbulbs as often.

4. Turn Down the Thermostat


You could even turnthe thermostat a degree or two to help conserve energy. Your energy bills will be lower, and you’ll be doing your part to help the environment.


The US Department of Energy estimates that you can save up to10%一年on your energy bills by turning down the temp while you’re at work. Take advantage of programmable thermostats to help you avoid discomfort by having the temp turned back to normal by the time you’re home again.


Consider hanging your clothes on an outdoor clothesline or an indoor drying rack to save energy. Even if you committed to drying one or two loads a week that way, it would still help with energy conservation.




Dishwashers, laundry facilities, water heaters, refrigerators, and other large appliances all come in energy-saving models now. Ask the customer service representative or store employee to tell you about the benefits of the energy-saving features. They can help guide you to the best model for your home and family needsprioritize energy savings.

7.让菜Air Dry

Your dishwasher has a heat dry setting on it, but you can conserve energy by turning it off. When the dishes are finished washing, open the door and let the dishes air dry before you put them away. It doesn’t cost you anything to wait a little while, rather than using electricity to dry the dishes for you.


8. Investigate Retailers


Investigate their websites and dig deep to see if you can find any stance about energy conservation. If you can’t, reach out to them with an email to see if they can answer your questions about their energy priorities.

It may be that the companies you shop at aren’t putting energy conservation first. If that’s the case, you need to ask yourself if it means enough to you to find another retailer that cares more.

Ask your friends for recommendations! You may be surprised how many other people care about energy conservation and prioritize their spending. It’s always nice to know that you’re not alone.

9. Keep Track of Your Driving


If the results your self-driven study surprise you, think about you can conserve energy when it comes to transportation. Do you have a bike? Can you use your bicycle for one or two trips a week?

Could you shop at a closer store once in a while? Perhaps there is a store closer to home that you could walk to. While they may not have everything you need, perhaps you could stop there for small stock-ups in between bigger shopping trips.

Does anyone from work live close to you? You could carpool and share the driving responsibilities to help reduce emissions and be a more responsible energy consumer?

Do any other parents at your child’s school prioritize energy conservation? You could see if any of them are interested in sharing pickup responsibilities for the kids?

如果你住在一个城市,公共交通is an option, consider taking the bus or the subway once or twice a week. Remember to verify routes and timetables before you commit to an appointment time. Public transportation isn’t always as reliable as other independent means of transportation, but if you allow extra time you can still be punctual.

10. Don’t Waste Water

Take shorter showers to help reduce how much water you use. Start by measuring your normal shower times, and then see if you can reduce it by a minute. Then by 2 minutes.

Challenge yourself, and you’ll be surprised at how much you can save just by paying attention or setting a timer. If you’re really ambitious, you can try拿起海军淋浴每周一次而不是常规淋浴。

11. Baking

Did you know that if you switch up the pans you use when you bake, you can conserve more energy? Glass baking dishes take less heat to cook, so you can set your oven to 25° less than with a metal baking pan.

Take time to read the recipe before you focus on energy efficiency. If the recipe calls for a metal pan you can reduce the temp, but if it asks you to use a glass dish, cook it at the temperature in the instructions. Remember to cook meat to the correct internal temperature for health and safety.



Change out your furnace filters on schedule to keep your furnace from working harder than it has to. Check to see if your filters are monthly, quarterly, or bi-annually, and then set reminders so you don’t forget.


Saving the Planet


If something works well for you and your family, pass it on! Make sure to let your family and friends know that there are small things they can do every day to help save energy and be good stewards of the Earth.
