
By Bruce A. Perreault

似乎是几个替代能源设备之间共享的共享常见线程。它是预热的放电。关于的报告Hans Colerdevice released by the British Government indicates that there is excess energy released when electrical contacts are opened and closed. The莱斯特亨德瑟装置利用具有打开和关闭电触点的蜂鸣器电路。在里面Alfred Hubbard线圈预热放电流过电触点,分配器帽和镭浸泡火花塞。托马斯海莱发明了一种发光,冷阴极,放电管,是他辐射能量接收器的心脏。Hermann Plauson.was grantedU.S. Patent No. 1,540,998that used spark gaps to convert atmospheric energy.Frank Wyatt Prentice被授予加拿大专利No.253,765,详细说明了他的发明,其中五十六瓦碳灯点燃,输入只有五百瓦。他的发明利用火花隙驱动的高频调谐谐振系统。Chancy Brittenused ion valves constructed with a central wire that was surrounded by a coil of wire which is described in his US Patent No. 1,826,727. Britten’s valve was said to have lit up his home in the 1930’s according to a local newspaper article.亚历山大Chernetski.experimented with what appears to have been a type of ion valve that was filled with hydrogen gas. It is said that he got up to five times more energy out of his device than what he put into it.Paulo N. CorreaAlexander N. Correaobtained patents for their pulsed pre-glow discharge system that recovers energy and recharges its battery power source.Edwin Gray被授予美国火花隙驱动电容式放电电机的美国专利No.3,890,548。该电机通过立即通过火花间隙瞬间排出存储在电容器中的能量而有效地运行。当转子和定子线圈的磁场处于完全对准时发生放电,此时获得最大扭矩。问题是高能量弧度会削弱火花隙而相当快。他通过用受控切换管取代火花间隙来解决这个问题。他的美国专利号4,595,975和No.4,661,747describes this tube in detail. It was designed to eliminate spark gap wear. On close examination, we find that the capacitive discharge between the anode and cathode in this switching tube wastes energy by generating heat losses that are not recovered.

I have found that radiant energy is generated when a plasma field is in contact with the atoms of an electrical conductor. Most importantly, the quantity of radiant energy is greatly increased when the plasma field occurs between the inter-electrode couple of two differing electrical conductors. The plasma glow discharge conserves energy. It is an effective energy quenching mechanism.

在该实施例中Figure 3,the negative charge on the wire in the ion valve negatively ionizes any gas that contacts it. These ions rush towards the positively charged cylinder. When a gas or metal vapor ion carries an excess electron and hits head-on with a positively charged onrushing gas, or metal vapor ion, such as mercury, a violent union of the two oppositely charged ions occurs. During this union, the ions violently oscillate, and thereafter, charge neutralization occurs. The“sea electron model”helps to explain this effect. According to the sea electron model, metals are bonded to each other through electron sharing. The model suggests that metal atoms be bathed in a sea of electrons. If this model is taken one step further it can be illustrated that if metallic atoms become dissociated from each other, their electrons can generate electrical oscillations of high frequency (radiant energy). This occurs because the electrons no longer take part in the inter-atomic binding force that existed before the dissociation took place. It becomes clear that the freed electrons can give amperage back to the electrical circuit to which generated its free state. Henceforth, the equationI x E = Pholds true in this system. Where, “I” represents the电子(电流),“E”电动势(离子电压)和“P”产生的功率。