
  1. 为什么没有电气永动机器工作?

  1. 为什么没有机械永久运动机器工作?机械永动机取决于rising and descending weights. The problem is that the amount of energy that you get out of a descending weight is exactly the same amount that it took to raise the weight in the first place: gravity is said to be a “conservative” force. So no matter what the weights do, you can’t get energy out.

  1. 为什么不磁性永动机器工作?
    磁力电动机具有巧妙的磁体布置,使电动机永久旋转。毫不奇怪,每当有人试图建造一个时,电机旋转一段时间,然后停止 - 这通常归因于磁铁“佩戴”。这些电机通常依靠使用磁铁作为低摩擦轴承,这意味着“电机”可以很长一段时间,但它不提供任何电源。磁性就像重力;您可以存储潜在的能量并将其送回,但无论您尝试什么,您都无法获得更多的能量。

  1. 磁铁可以浮动。来自哪里的能量?Levitating magnets do not require energy, any more than something resting on a table requires energy. Energy is the capacity for doing work. Work can be measured by force times distance. Although the magnets are exerting a force the levitated object is stationary, so the magnets aren’t supplying any energy.

  1. But its been patented!
    So what? Patent offices will not grant a patent on a “perpetual motion machine” (some just require a working model) but if you call it a “vacuum energy device” and claim that it gets its energy from some previously unknown source then you can probably get a patent. Patent offices are there to judge whether something has been invented before, not whether it will work. The ban on devices labeled “perpetual motion” is a special case because the patent officers dislike being cited as some sort of approval by con-men.

  1. 石油公司正在削弱我的发明In most of the US the utility companies are required by law to buy your excess electricity if you produce your own. If you’ve got an energy machine, build it in your basement, phase match it to the line, and enjoy.

  1. My machine gets its free energy from

  1. 陀螺仪可以中和重力吗?

  1. 当我打开时,我的原型变得更轻

  1. 磁铁可以提高燃油效率或尺度管道吗?
    Both of these questions come around fairly regularly. Some companies sell magnets which clip around pipes. Sometimes they are sold for use in hard water areas, where they are supposed to prevent the buildup of lime-scale. On other occasions they are sold for cars, where they are supposed to increase fuel efficiency.Neither of these claims has ever been substantiated by careful testing, and there is no theoretical explanation for the supposed effects. The advertisers try to make it sound like there is, but its actually just pseudo-scientific eye wash.Note that in some cases installing the fuel magnets according to the instructions will give increased fuel efficiency. This is because the instructions tell you to adjust the carburetor. The result is that the engine runs leaner than it was designed to, causing higher production of nitrous oxides and a shorter life. The magnet has nothing to do with it.If this worked then car companies would install it themselves and hence sell more cars.