离子阀门转换器(离子阀)所示an axial negatively charged tungsten cathode wire that extends the length its cylinder and is capable of emitting secondary negatively charged ions. The anode cylinder is positively charged and is made from a semiconductive material that will readily capture electrons.


Within a few milliseconds, the accumulated negative ions are attracted to the positively charged onrushing atomic ions. When the negative and positive charges collide, they neutralize each other generating high frequency electrical oscillations.

离子阀提供稳定的电位差,防止能量流回其高压电源。它允许AC流过它。这是一个“能源坝”,用于缺乏更好的描述。阀门在一个方向上具有电荷阻挡效果。这就是为什么Moray表示他的阀门不是整流器,因为它们在改变AC或HF到DC时作为无线电阀操作。在一个方向上停止潜在能量的“流动”存在实际的阀门动作。用于将AC或无线电频率更改为DC的二极管是当前整流器。离子阀是电荷分离器。它的功能可能被认为是类似于海浪的振荡动作,而无需整流,防止能量返回到能量源。*能源海洋,第五版,p。 209.

似乎是几个替代能源设备之间共享的共享常见线程。它是预热的放电。关于的报告HANS Coler.英国政府发布的设备表明,当电触点打开并关闭时,有多余的能量。这Lester Hendershot装置利用具有打开和关闭电触点的蜂鸣器电路。在里面阿尔弗雷德哈伯德coil pre-glow discharge flowed through electrical contacts, a distributor cap and radium soaked spark plug.托马斯海莱invented a glowing, cold cathode, discharge tube that was the heart of his radiant energy receiver.Hermann Plauson.was granted U.S. Patent No. 1,540,998 that used spark gaps to convert atmospheric energy.弗兰克怀特·普伦蒂雷斯was granted Canadian Patent No. 253,765 that detailed his invention, which lighted fifty sixty-watt carbon lamps with an input of only five hundred watts. His invention utilized a spark gap driven high frequency tuned resonant system.Chancy Breen.使用由带有线圈围绕的中央线构造的二手离子阀,其在他的美国专利No.1,826,727中描述。据说布林斯的阀门在1930年代据当地的报纸文章在20世纪30年代推出了他的家。Alexander Chernetski试验似乎是一种充满氢气的离子阀。据说他的设备比他投入到了它的装置中的能量多5倍。Paulo N. CorreaAlexander N. Correa获得其脉冲预热放电系统的专利,该专利恢复能量并为其电池电源充电。Edwin Gray被授予美国火花隙驱动电容式放电电机的美国专利No.3,890,548。该电机通过立即通过火花间隙瞬间排出存储在电容器中的能量而有效地运行。当转子和定子线圈的磁场处于完全对准时发生放电,此时获得最大扭矩。问题是高能量弧度会削弱火花隙而相当快。他通过用受控切换管取代火花间隙来解决这个问题。他的美国专利No.4,595,975和No.4,661,747详细描述了该管。它旨在消除火花隙磨损。在仔细检查时,我们发现该开关管中的阳极和阴极之间的电容放电通过产生未恢复的热损耗来浪费能量。


在图3中的实施例中,离子阀中的导线上的负电荷负离电离接触它的任何气体。这些离子冲向带正电的圆柱体。当气体或金属蒸汽离子带有过量的电子并用带正电荷的造型气体击中头部时,或者金属蒸汽离子如汞,发生两个相对带电的离子的猛烈联合。在此工会期间,离子剧烈振荡,此后,发生充电中和。“海电子模型”有助于解释这种效果。根据海电子模型,金属通过电子共享彼此粘合。该模型表明金属原子在电子海中沐浴。如果拍摄该模型,则可以说明金属原子彼此分离,它们的电子可以产生高频(辐射能量)的电振荡。出现这种情况,因为电子不再参与在解离发生之前存在的原子间结合力。显然,释放电子可以使电流送回电路,从而产生自由状态。 Henceforth, the equation I x E = P holds true in this system. Where, “I” represents the electrons (amperage), “E” electromotive force (ionic voltage), and “P” the power generated.

这ion-regulator valve is an important component to the radiant energy converter. Electric motors can be made to draw less current from a power supply. Communication systems that take advantage of the ion valve as an oscillator could obsolete present day radio transmission. Electrical power transmission and its generation could also receive a fresh new start. The possibilities are refreshing. It is an honor to offer humankind this technology. It is my goal to build and bring devices to market that will introduce new products that will better the quality of our lives.